Monday, June 25, 2012

Ministry Day 3 - June 23

"Therefore , as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk with Him, rooted and built up in Him
and established in the faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with gratitude."
-- Colossians 2:6-7

Today was a very, very busy day filled with so many opportunities for ministry that it is hard to know where to start.  The team was busy with VBS in the morning where we served 70 some kids that take part in the Compassion International program at Remanso De Amor.   During the VBS Deb, Tom and Barb spent the morning with the teachers doing some training.

One thing about Ecuador is that things and schedules change very quickly.  The men were scheduled for construction in the afternoon while the ladies were scheduled to host a women's ministry event as an outreach to the local women.  The guys were secretly hoping to go golfing but boy were we surprised when we ended up watching 50 little kids for 2:30 hours while their moms were with the ladies on our team! 

In any case it was a huge blessing as the woman from the community heard and experienced God's grace at work in their lives, some for the first time!  We are learning more and more about the community and the needs and are looking forward to a continued relationship with the people of this community!

One of the biggest highlights for the day was the chance that all the kids had to put together a soup packet to bring home to share.  It was so amazing to see how excited the kids were to have the opportunity to go and share this gift with family and friends, great idea team!

the team

The "robbers" in the Good Samaritan skit that set the theme for the day!

Always smiling

So precious!

Sharon has been a rock star for the team!

The kids loved the parachute!

Deb had a busy day teaching and sharing her testimony at the women's event.
Yudyli give a hand massage.

A beautiful setting for the women.

The bags that the men put together for the women.

The "special bag" the men put together for the women.

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